Thyroid Gland Scan

Exam time: 20-30 minutes
Medical Card: Save €20 per appointment with a valid card.

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The thyroid gland ultrasound scan is a non-invasive and painless procedure. For this test, the sonographer uses a probe lubricated with a warm gel to get the necessary images. The transducer or probe is moved gently over the anterior neck area.

Thyroid ultrasound is usually performed to assess an existing lump or an enlarged thyroid gland. The ultrasound scan can establish whether the lump is within the gland or outside the gland.

The thyroid ultrasound scan is a very simple exam and does not need any special preparation on the part of the patient.

The patient needs to make an appointment to see his/her GP after we send the result to the doctor. Your doctor is the best person to explain the results of the test and may want to further evaluate your thyroid function through a blood test.

  • Thyroid gland (neck swelling)
  • Lymph nodes
  • Parotid gland
  • Submandibular gland

Note: Be prepared to spend at least 20-30 minutes at the clinic for this ultrasound scan.

Contact Us Today To Schedule Thyroid Gland Ultrasound Screening:
Call: 01 210 0232