Reassurance Pregnancy Scan

(Reassurance Pregnancy Scan: 11.1–19.6 weeks €125.00)
(Twins add €60 for over 12 weeks gestation)

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early pregnancy scans
11.1–19.6 Weeks: €125.00

Reassurance Pregnancy Scan (11.1–19.6 Weeks Pregnant): This baby scan is performed to estimate the age of the pregnancy (if not already established) and assess your baby. We measure to determine the age of the fetus and to determine whether it is a single or multiple pregnancy. Depending on how far along the pregnancy has progressed dictates how much of the anatomy can be assessed and what measurements are taken.

We use the first day of your last menstrual period to determine the gestational age, or we will use your already confirmed estimated due date.. We compare that with specific measurements of the fetus by measuring the distance from the top of the head (crown) to the bottom of the body (rump). We may also include measurements of the gestational sac and of the heartbeat. These measurements are very accurate and can determine the expected age even if you are unsure of your last menstrual period. If your baby is over 14 weeks, we will use measurements that include the thigh bone, head, and abdomen.

Procedure Includes:

  • Ultrasound exam
  • Nuchal translucency measurement (optional and must be done between 11.2 and 13.6 weeks)
  • Medical obstetric ultrasound report
  • Glossy picture print
  • Please note: For twins please add €60

Watch our video on what you can expect at your Reassurance Pregnancy Scan:


When is the best time to have a Reassurance pregnancy scan?

We perform the Reassurance Pregnancy scan from 12 weeks up to 19 weeks of pregnancy. This baby scan is performed to assess your baby & estimate the age of the pregnancy (if not already established). We look for the absence or presence of any physical abnormalities, determine whether it is a single or multiple pregnancy & measure the age of the fetus. Depending on how far along the pregnancy has advanced dictates what measurements are taken & how much of the anatomy can be assessed during this time.

How should I prepare for a Reassurance pregnancy ultrasound?

When you attend for a Reassurance pregnancy ultrasound you do not need a filled urinary bladder to help view the pregnancy. It is important to know your last menstrual period dates if you know and if you have had a positive pregnancy test if the estimated due date has not already been established. It is important to wear loose comfortable clothing.

Why is a Reassurance pregnancy scan performed?

The Reassurance pregnancy scan is performed to verify the baby’s heartbeat; calculate the gestational age and determine estimated date of delivery; look for multiples ( twins, triplets etc); determine that the baby is located normally within the womb and that the pregnancy is progressing normally at this stage; examine placental site; assess anatomy of the fetus.

What happens during the reassurance pregnancy ultrasound scan?

A reassurance pregnancy scan is performed as an abdominal scan. An abdominal scan is performed by placing gel on the patient’s abdomen and using a transducer to obtain images. The abdominal scan is not painful & non-invasive. A full bladder is not required for a reassurance pregnancy scan.