Peripheral Arterial and Venous Ultrasound Scan €145:
Peripheral Arterial and Venous Ultrasound Scan €145:
( add €75 for bilateral) The term vascular refers to the blood vessels. Therefore, vascular ultrasound imaging refers to the examination of the body’s circulatory system. This scan studies the speed and volume of blood flow using the Doppler phenomenon.
Areas to be examined are as follows:
DVT Deep vein thrombosis ( blood clot ) in arms or legs
Arteries for flow limiting stenosis (usually leg arteries)
Peripheral veins to assess varicosities and venous reflux (insufficiency)
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Ultrasound is currently the most widely used imaging technique in the diagnosis of vascular disease. It can sometimes be used as a stand alone examination. Indications for ultrasound of the peripheral arteries or veins is for swollen legs or arms sometimes caused by a blood clot. Pain in the legs after walking a certain distance is sometimes caused by reduced arterial blood flow to the legs by disease (intermittent claudication). Another indication is varicose veins. The patient is lying down on an examination table or it is sometimes necessary to have them examined while standing to assess the competency of the lower leg veins.
Note: Be prepared to spend at least 30 to 60 minutes at the clinic for this test. It depends on whether one or both extremities are being assessed.
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