Peripheral Arterial Scan OR Peripheral Venous Scan

Exam Duration: 30-90 minutes

Exam Price:
Single leg for veins: €170.00
Single leg for arteries: €170.00
Add second extremity (leg, arm): €100

Medical Card: Save €20 per appointment with a valid card.

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Vascular ultrasound is a powerful diagnostic tool that enables us to assess your circulatory system in real-time. By leveraging the capabilities of Doppler technology, we measure the velocity and volume of blood flow through your veins and arteries. This is a vital evaluation for identifying atherosclerotic disease and other vascular anomalies.

What Will Be Examined:

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): Detect blood clots in the arms or legs.
  • Flow-limiting Stenosis: Typically observed in leg arteries, we identify areas where blood flow is restricted.
  • For Varicose Vein Scans visit this page here

*Please ask us or specify vein or arteries these are different tests for different symptoms.

Why Choose This Service
Ultrasound imaging stands as the most frequently employed diagnostic method for vascular conditions. It can often serve as a comprehensive standalone test, making it a convenient and an efficient choice. This scan is particularly indicated for:

  • Swollen limbs, potentially triggered by blood clots.
  • Leg pain upon walking specific distances, commonly caused by decreased arterial blood flow, known as intermittent claudication.

What to Expect During Your Visit
You will be comfortably positioned on an examination table throughout the procedure. Our experts are committed to ensuring that your experience is as relaxed and informative as possible.

Please Note: Your time at the clinic will likely span between 30 to 60 minutes, contingent on the number of extremities being evaluated.

Contact Us Today To Schedule Peripheral Arterial and Venous Ultrasound Screening: 01 210 0232

Peripheral Arterial FAQs

Do I need an appointment?

Yes, ultrasound exams do need an appointment. If you cannot attend your appointment we appreciate it if you can give 24 hours notice.

Do I need a referral letter from my GP to book a scan?

Not always. Often you can attend without a GP referral; however, depending on the ultrasound scan requested, we may require a referral from your GP to ensure the correct ultrasound examination is performed.

What is the preparation for a peripheral arterial scan?

There is no preparation for this exam however trousers will need to be removed for the exam to evaluate the legs or your shirt may need to be removed if the arm is the area of concern.

What arteries are viewed in the peripheral arterial scan?

During this examination, we evaluate common femoral, superficial, and deep femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis arteries in the right or left leg or both if indicated.

What can a peripheral arterial ultrasound see?

The peripheral arterial ultrasound can identify and measure the amount of plaque and assess whether blood flow to the arteries in the legs is compromised by a narrowing or stenosis.

What happens during the peripheral arterial scan?

The sonographer will have you remove your trousers and lay on the bed facing up. A transducer/camera is placed on the leg starting at the junction of the leg and hip and the sonographer will scan the leg down to the foot on each side. During the exam you may hear a noise like a heartbeat, this is the pulse or arterial blood flow within the legs called Doppler ultrasound.

Peripheral Venous Scan FAQs

What veins are viewed in the peripheral venous scan?

During a lower extremity venous ultrasound we evaluate common femoral, greater saphenous, superficial and deep femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, peroneal, and anterior tibial veins in the right and left leg. We can assess superficial thrombophlebitis as well if indicated.

If the arm/upper extremity is the area of concern we will assess the subclavian, axillary, brachial, basilic, cephalic, radial and ulnar veins.

What can a Peripheral venous ultrasound see?

A peripheral venous ultrasound can identify if there are any deep or superficial blood clots and assess the quality of the blood flow within the deep veins.

What happens during the Peripheral venous scan?

The sonographer will have you remove your trousers and lay on the bed facing up. A transducer/camera is placed on the leg starting at the junction of the leg and hip and the sonographer will scan the leg down to the ankle on each side. The sonographer will also have to push down on the leg in various locations to assess the compressibility of the veins. During the exam you may hear a noise that sounds like waves or wind, this is the venous blood flow within the legs.

How long will the exam take?

The scheduled time for this exam is usually 30 minutes - 45 minutes for both legs.

Who will report my vascular exam?

After the sonographer has completed your exam the images will be sent to a Consultant Radiologist who will report your scan.

Do I need a referral letter from my GP to book a scan?

Not always. Often you can attend without a GP referral; however, depending on the ultrasound scan requested, we may require a referral from your GP to ensure the correct ultrasound examination is performed.

When will I receive my results?

Please note that Sonographers are not permitted to provide verbal results during or after the exam. After the ultrasound images have been thoroughly reviewed by our Consultant Radiologist, the official report will be issued and made available to you and/or your GP, usually within 24-48 hours. We are committed to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your results and appreciate your understanding and patience.