Nuchal Translucency Scan
(12.5–13.5 weeks €125.00)
(Twins add €100)
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The nuchal translucency scan is a method of estimating the risk of a fetus having Down Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities is carried out from 12.5 to 13.5 weeks and depends on the age of the mother, amount of fluid behind the neck of the fetus, presence or absence of the fetal nasal bone and the presence or absence of any physical abnormalities.
The nuchal translucency scan is not a diagnosis but can help identify those babies that may be at risk of having a chromosomal abnormality such as Down Syndrome. The fluid at the back of the fetal neck can give information that may raise the suspicion of a problem.
The measurement of this fluid is taken at a very specific time in the pregnancy and is most easily measured between 12.5 and 13.5 weeks gestation. Some parents just want to know the measurement of the nuchal translucency without blood work. In this instance, we offer the nuchal translucency measurement along with a detailed assessment of the fetus.
Without blood work a NT measurement of ≤ 3.5mm is considered to fall within a normal range. Sonographers and doctors need special training and high-resolution ultrasound equipment to measure the nuchal translucency correctly. They must be certified by the Fetal Medicine Foundation in London UK, the organization that provides the international standards and software that enable us to evaluate your baby’s risk Nuchal Translucency (NT) is only a screening and is more effective when taken in combination with blood work to include: The level of two hormones (b-hCG and PAPP-A) in the Mother’s blood which can be assessed for additional accuracy.
We do not offer blood work at our centre. For this first trimester, NT measurement and detailed ultrasound contact us for further details.
Please Note: We do not offer a blood work service at our centre, please speak to your GP regarding blood work.
Procedure Includes:
- Ultrasound exam
- Medical obstetric ultrasound report
- Glossy picture print
" The standard of service is in excess of expectations. The scope of scanning and standards of reporting are excellent. "
Dr. Conor O’tooleSlievemore Clinic Co. Dublin
"My patients have been availing of the ultrasound services and find it excellent."
Dr. Paul CarsonSlievemore Clinic Co. Dublin
"The clinic is beautifully laid out and the sonographer was really lovely. It was amazing to see Baby W in Such detail! "
Kathy Milliken C.I.M.IWhat scan is best for you?
- 01 210 0232
21 Main St., Blackrock Co. Dublin Ireland